New Year’s Eve Cocktails

December 30, 2022  |  By Peg Kern
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A Campari apperitivo in Italy.Tomorrow’s New Year’s Eve! We can’t believe how fast the year as gone, and we look forward to an amazing 2023. My husband and I are not big partiers for New Year’s – usually an easy dinner (pizza?), some games with the kids, and some football are as exciting as we get, although we do like to try a special cocktail to ring in the New Year.

Learn about our favorite summertime cocktails.

Pisco sour cocktail So in honor of the coming festivities, here are a couple of our favorite cocktail recipes that we’ve featured in the past, plus a new one. Whatever your scene, and whatever your party, we hope you’ll be safe and take the time to reflect on the past year.

Learn how to make a New Year’s toast.

Pisco sour

This cocktail is a staple in Peru (and Chile), and one of my favorites!

  • 2 oz. Pisco
  • 1/2 to 1 oz. simple syrup
  • 1 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1 fresh egg, white separated
  • Angostura bitters

Mix the first 4 ingredients in a shaker with ice, and shake vigorously for a few minutes. Strain mixture into a highball glass or a martini glass (the foam from the egg whites should be thick on top). Sprinkle a few drops of bitters over the foam.

Check out our cooking vacations in Peru.

Venetian Spritz

Venetian Spritz

A cousin of the “Bellini” cocktail, this is a lovely, festive option for the New Year, and it is a staple at TIK get togethers!

  • 2 oz. Prosecco (or another sparkling wine like champagne or Cava)
  • 2 oz. Campari (or another bitter such as Cynar or Select)
  • 1 oz. sparkling water
  • lemon or orange slice for garnish

Mix all the ingredients (chilled), and serve in a champagne flute or wine glass.

Browse our cooking vacations in Italy.


Margarita cocktail A favorite of Americans, and of TIK’s Richard Davis in particular, this Mexican cocktail is a perfect blend of sour, sweet, and salty! I usually prefer mine served “up” or “on the rocks,” but this year want to try out my new blender and plan to make them frozen-style.

  • 3/4 c. tequila (preferably silver)
  • 1/3 c. Triple Sec
  • 1/2 c. simple syrup
  • 1/3 c. lime juice
  • 3-4 c. ice
  • salt and lime wedges for garnish

Chill all the ingredients the day before – the liquors you can mix together and chill in the freezer. Then, put all the ingredients (except garnishes) in a blender and blend on high until smooth. Serve immediately in a salt-rimmed glass with a lime wedge.

Take an authentic cooking vacation in Mexico.

What cocktails (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) do you plan to make for New Year’s this year? Let us know in the comments or on social media!

Learn more about holiday drink traditions.

Drinking cognac during our cognac tasting tours.Try more of our cocktail recipes including:

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