Dobladillas with Mole de Guajolote Recipe from our Hola Mexico Cooking Vacation

November 19, 2020  |  By Liz SanFilippo Hall
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Traditional Mexican dobladillas with mole.If you’re looking for a dish that epitomizes Mexican gastronomy, while also offering an amazing variety in flavors, look no further than mole (pronounced MOH-lay). Every region in Mexico has their own take on this dish, resulting in both different appearances (from thick dark sauces to light colorful ones) and flavors. Terrain plays some part in the different takes on the dish, and that’s why in one region alone you may find a number of mole dishes (particularly throughout Oaxaca, where they’re known as the land of seven moles).

Browse our cooking vacations in Mexico.

Mole too is a fabulous dish to learn on a cooking vacation, as it’s at its most delicious when it’s made from scratch. While it does take some work, the flavors are well worth it. Plus, it’s perfect for a party, and your friends and family will enjoy every bite. This particular recipe comes from the lovely Chef Ana, who runs the kitchen at our Hola Mexico cooking vacation, and, as its designed for party, it can serve 6 to 8 people.

Dobladillas with Mole de Guajolote

Serves: 6 to 8
Prep time: 120 minutes (for the mole)
Cook time: 5 minutes (for the dobladillas)
Cook method: Fry

Traditional Mexican spices for a mole making cooking class in Mexico.Mole Ingredients

  • 1 gallon of turkey (or chicken) stock
  • 2 chipotle chiles
  • 3 ancho chiles
  • 8 oz. mulato chile
  • 2 oz. pasilla chile
  • 1 cup almonds
  • 1 tbsp sesame seeds
  • 1 tomato
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • ½ oz. Mexican cinnamon sticks (or ½ tsp ground cinnamon)
  • 1 ½ teaspoon anis
  • ½ tsp black pepper
  • 1 tbsp cloves
  • 1 tbsp coriander seeds
  • 1 slice white bread
  • 1 corn tortilla
  • 2 tablets of Mexican chocolate
  • ½ cup Manteca (This is lard used often in Mexican cooking. Cooking oil or shortening can be substituted but it will not taste the same!)
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste

Homemade corn tortillas from our Mexico cooking vacations.Dobladilla Ingredients

  • 2 lbs. shredded turkey meat
  • 24 corn tortillas (make your own corn tortillas!)
  • ½ cup cooking oil
  • ½ cup Mexican crema, crème fraiche or sour cream as a last resort
  • 4 oz. queso anejo or queso fresco (a crumbled type of cheese like a dry feta will also work as a substitute)
  • ½ red onion thinly sliced

Read more about Mexican cuisine.

Making sauces at Hola Mexico cooking vacation


1. Start by making the mole. To do this, deseed all the chiles, and toast them over a hot flat top. You’ll know they’re done cooking when they become aromatic (they should not be charred).
2. After the chiles are toasted, put in a bowl and add enough stock to cover the chiles. Allow this to soak for about 20 minutes.
3. While the chiles soak, start frying some of the ingredients in about 1/4 cup of the lard. Each ingredient — tomato, tortilla, almonds, bread, garlic, anis, and cinnamon — should be fried separately as they have different cooking points and will otherwise burn. Once they’re done frying, drain, and then place them in the bowl with the chiles. (Alternatively you may dry roast all the ingredients in this step other than frying in lard).
4. To this bowl of chiles and spices add the rest of the mole ingredients, including enough stock to cover the mixture.
5. Once the mixture has cooled off, blend some of it in a blender until it has achieved a smooth consistency. The reason for blending only part of it at a time is that the whole mixture won’t fit otherwise.
Dried chiles during a Mexican cooking vacation.6. After blending and placing the mixture in a new bowl, start heating 1/4 cup of the lard in a cazuela. Once it gets hot enough (a drop of water should make the cazuela sizzle), put all of the mole into the hot dish. Allow this to cook for approximately 1-2 hours, or until small black oil puddles form on the top.
7. While the mole cooks, assemble the dobladillas. To do this, warm oil in a skillet. Test the oil with a wooden spoon; once it starts bubbling, it’s ready.
8. Warm each tortilla in the oil, but do not crisp it up. Rather the tortilla should remain pliable. After cooking the tortilla, place on a paper towel so that an extra oil is absorbed. Repeat until all tortillas are cooked.
9. Next place some of the shredded meat on the tortillas and fold in half. (Doblar in Spanish translates to “to fold”.).
10. Once all tortillas are filled with meat, cover them well with mole sauce. You can finish the dish with topping them with onion, cream, and queso anejo.

Dobladillas with moleDiscover more about Mexico’s rich gastronomy and learn recipes that have been passed down for generations during our Hola Mexico culinary vacation. The trip includes seven nights of accommodations, four hands-on classes, and excursions to local points of interest, including Centro, home to a number of food providers.

Sopa di Frijol Negro made during a cooking vacation in MexicoTry other recipes by Chef Ana:

By Liz Hall

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