Why TIK?

November 16, 2020  |  By Peg Kern
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This week we’re answering the question, “Why TIK?” Why book a cooking vacation or culinary holiday with The International Kitchen? When we started offering cooking vacations in 1994 we were pretty much the only show in town, but we know that now everywhere you look people are offering cooking classes for food-loving travelers.

We think it’s great. The more cooking classes and food-themed options out there for our culinary travelers, frankly, the better! But if you’ll pardon our immodesty, we will toot our own horn a bit and explain why you should book your trip with TIK.

TIK office We’re the experts
Cooking vacations and culinary tours are all we do, and it is all we’ve ever done. It’s not a small department in our Tour Company, it IS our tour company. We have been offering these trips for almost twenty-five years, and that means a lot of expertise, a lot of contacts, a lot of exclusive offerings

We’re just like you
We love food. We love travel. We really love food and travel. It’s pretty much a pre-requisite of working for TIK that you love both these things, and that you be well-versed in them (see that whole “expertise” thing above!). Every single day we talk about what we had to eat over the weekend, what travel article we read that morning, what our friends told us about their latest trip, what we’re making for dinner… we’re obsessed!

Find out why we love cheese, why we love spaghetti, or some of our favorite things in Rome to get an idea of what we love!

TIK staff team building Our customer service rocks
If someone asked us the defining characteristic of TIK, I would say first “food-based tours,” and second, “customer service.” It always shocks me when we hear from clients that other tour operators, hotels, and chefs don’t respond to emails or voice messages. If we don’t respond to your email, it’s because we didn’t get your email. Period. And 99% of the time we respond within a few hours.

Contact us to start planning and you’ll see what we mean!

We care about your trip
Does this sound corny? It’s true, we do care about your trip. When something goes wrong on one of our travelers’ vacations it is usually not an oversight on our part (remember that whole “we’re the experts” thing?) but something out of our control – and we still do everything we can to fix it. Whether it’s because of a passport problem, a flight cancelation, or an unreported food allergy, we feel it when something goes wrong and do everything we can to put your trip back on track.

See our frequently asked questions.

TIK staff in new office These are just a few of the reasons we think we’re awesome. But in the end, it all comes down to the trip, and we think we have the best product of anywhere in the culinary tourism world. Give us a call and let us convince you we’re right!

By Peg Kern

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